ARI Phoenix, Inc. (ARI-HETRA) has partnered with many entities to establish pre-competed contract pricing on our full line of equipment. These contract vehicles will help simplify and expedite the procurement process for all federal, state, and local government purchasing agencies.
All federal agencies and activities in the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, the Government of the District of Columbia, mixed ownership government corps, government contractors, as well as other activities and organizations duly authorized by statute or regulations are eligible.
U.S. General Services Administration
Contract #: GS-07F-291AA
Purchase ARI-HETRA equipment directly from GSA Advantage!, an online shopping and ordering system for federal, state, and local government agencies providing access to thousands of contractors and millions of products and services.
GSA Advantage!
Contract #: GS-07F-291AA
Purchase directly from FedMall, an e-commerce ordering system for Department of Defense (DoD), Federal, State, and authorized Local Agencies to search for and acquire products from government reserves and commercial sources. Buyers have access to tens of millions of individual items of supply, from centrally managed DoD and GSA assets to commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products.
Leading national government purchasing cooperative in all 50 states. Over 90,000 agencies nationwide from both the public and nonprofit sectors are eligible to utilize OMNIA Partners’ cooperative purchasing contracts. Click here for more info.
OMNIA Partners
Contract #: 05-57
HGACBuy is a nationwide government-to-government procurement service. They have been active throughout the United States for over 40 years and provided nearly 6,500 members with 37 major categories of products and services from more than 800 highly qualified contractors.
Houston-Galveston Area Council
Contract #: FL03-19
Public schools, cities, counties, universities, and nonprofit organizations in Texas and beyond are eligible to use this cooperative. Nearly 70 contracts are available with vendors awarded through a competitively priced process.
BuyBoard Purchasing Cooperative
Contract #: 715-23
All California state and local government agencies, school districts, utilities, and other entities authorized to expend public funds are eligible to participate in the CMAS program.
California Multiple Award Schedule
Contract #: 4-13-56-0053A
This contract is available for use by Florida State agencies, local governments, educational institutions, municipalities, and other entities for purchase of specific ARI-HETRA Mobile Column Lift models under the “Vehicle Lift” category. Out of state sales are permitted under this contract, however, all agencies are bound by their local governing purchasing ordinances, rules, and regulations.
Florida Sheriffs Association Cooperative
Contract #: FSA23-VEH21.0
Sourcewell combines the buying power of 50,000 government, education, and nonprofit organizations and holds hundreds of competitively solicited cooperative contracts ready for use, including our ARI Phoenix contract. Schools, universities, nonprofits, and government agencies can quickly and easily join for free and there are no fees or commitment to use this contract. Click here for more info.
Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing
Contract #: 013020-ARP
State Contract Piggybacks: New Jersey, New York, Ohio
(pending: North Carolina)
NASPO ValuePoint optimizes state spending by offering high-quality, reliable products with superior contract terms, including favorable warranties and services. It also lowers administrative costs by pooling expertise across states, promoting efficient resource sharing and goal achievement. Using this contract, ARI-HETRA can effortlessly supply all your garage equipment maintenance needs. Click here for more info.
NASPO ValuePoint
Contract #: CW7252
State Contract Piggybacks: California, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Virginia
(pending: Arizona)
This contract is available for use by Ohio State agencies, local governments, educational institutions, municipalities, and other entities for purchase of ARI-Hetra fleet-related maintenance equipment and supplies. The State of Ohio Department of Administrative Services (DAS) has agreed to participate in a consortium contract administered by Sourcewell. Minnesota Service Cooperatives is the lead entity for Sourcewell and their Master Price Agreement number is 013020.
State of Ohio
Contract #: RS900921
ARI-HETRA has been awarded the NYS Contract under Group 35000, Vehicle Lifts and Associated Garage Equipment, Sourcewell Piggyback (Statewide). The award includes vehicle service lifts for all types and capacities of vehicles and other associated garage and fleet maintenance equipment. Associated Garage parts, supplies, accessories, installation, repair, and maintenance services are also available for purchase under this award.
If you are a state agency, a local government, a volunteer organization (such as a fire company), you may be eligible to use this OGS centralized statewide commodity contract. For local governments and other organizations, including schools and public authorities, no additional paperwork beyond your purchase order is needed. If you do not have an authorized user ID number, you can complete a simple eligibility application form found HERE.
NYS Contract Award Group 35000 PGB-23243
Contract #: PC69414
ARI-HETRA has been awarded the NJSTART contract M4009 (22-Fleet-01981), Vehicle Lifts and Associated Garage Equipment, Sourcewell Piggyback (Statewide). The award includes vehicle service lifts for all types and capacities of vehicles and other associated garage and fleet maintenance equipment. Associated Garage parts, supplies, accessories, installation, repair, and maintenance services are also available for purchase under this award.
If you are a state agency, a local government, a volunteer organization (such as a fire company), you may be eligible to use this OGS centralized statewide commodity contract. For local governments and other organizations, including schools and public authorities, no additional paperwork beyond your purchase order is needed.
Contract #: 22-FLEET-01981
ARI-HETRA has been awarded the State of Arizona PA # CTR037625 under NASPO ValuePoint Master Agreement #CW7252.
State of Arizona
Contract #: CTR037625
State Procurement:
Statewide Pricing Agreement:
ARI-HETRA now has a HEPP (Heavy Equipment Procurement Program) contract available for use by military and federal government agencies for the purchase of Mobile Column Lift Systems and Surface & Flush Mounted Scissor Lifts. The DLA Troop Support HEPP program was established to provide customers with broad, flexible and efficient long-term contracts for various types of Heavy Equipment. HEPP is designed so military and federal customers may tailor orders to their particular needs including adding optional equipment and accessories.
Contract #: SPE8EC21D0085
We also accept Visa, MasterCard, and GSA SmartPay Cards.
Call 800-562-3250 Ext. 103
to speak with our Contracts Specialist, Tekla Goodwin